Who I'm I, Well, I'm James Little, I live in Belgium . I live a vintage mid century life. Every week-end you find me on the flea markets around Europe. I can't let something go lost, so I buy and buy... you know what I mean
I love it when you let me know what you think of the items I post on the blog. click on the pictures to enlarge them.
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thanks James Little

What a day!! A nice day for expo finds

Even when it's already 1 of November the sun is out. And it's flea market time. 
It was a good day ! 

A little flag 

A map of Belgium by ESSO 

A flyer for the famous sawing machines Singer. 

A smal plate

Again a ass tray.. But this time a white one. Most of the time you find them in black. Allways with a different sponser of the expo. 

Two nice post cards . You had to mark what was right for you... 

A series of 5 post cards.  Nice drawings and funny....

Day cards with a stamp. 

So you see... A good day for my collection.