Who I'm I, Well, I'm James Little, I live in Belgium . I live a vintage mid century life. Every week-end you find me on the flea markets around Europe. I can't let something go lost, so I buy and buy... you know what I mean
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thanks James Little

just one of those days

When I went to buy a comic magazine from 1958 this evening, I could never imagine what it would bring me.
The magazine was super and the man ( Roel) even had an extra attachement, we started talking and out of the blue his wife comes up with old pictures from the1958 world fair, without hesitating she takes them out of the album and gives them to me, as well as her subscription to the fair. to my suprice it looked different to the one I already had
Thanks to Roel and Lutgarde

the magazine

the attachement

personal pictures

her brother with some friends from India at the fair

the subscription to the fair
love the star that her brother made back in 1958; if only he still had it